Title: In the vanity of human justice, live as a Christian
Date: 2016-12-18
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:3
Series: Ecclesiastes
Speaker: Joe Allyn
Event: Sunday - AM
Download: here
Overview: In the vanity of human justice, live as a Christian Wickedness in power – could Solomon have written this? (3:16, 1 Sam. 2:12, 17) Wickedness in power was and is a great evil. (15, 5:8, Prov. 16:10, 12, 28:16, 19:14, 20:28, Is. 5:20-23) Where is God when wickedness is in power? (17-18, Gen. 18:25, 3:17-18) Apart from God, man is mere animal (18-22, c.f. Gen. 3:19, Ps. 104:29) And apart from God, the oppressed have no comfort. (4:1-3, 8:9, Pr. 29:2, 14:34, Lk. 16:19-25) What was his problem? (3:21, 4:2-3, 12:7, Gen. 3:22) Live as a Christian (Jn. 11:25, 14:3, 1 Pet. 4:12-19)