Title: Jesus is the true prophet and new temple – Marvel at Him
Date: 2016-03-27
Scripture: Matthew 23:37-24:35
Series: Matthew
Speaker: Joe Allyn
Event: Sunday - AM
Download: here
Keywords: Overview: Jesus is the true prophet and new temple – Marvel at Him. Marvel at the wonderful stones (1, Mk. 13:1, Ps. 48:12-13; 122:3-4, c.f. Deut 12, 1 Chr. 21) Be warned that the house will be left desolate (2, 15, 23:38, Dan. 9:26-27, 11:31, 12:11) Wait, wait, wait through the birth pangs β€˜til the time comes to flee! (4-14, Col. 1:23, Lk. 21:20) What does this mean for us? (30, Deut. 18:21-22)