Title: Love Extravagantly
Date: 2016-05-01
Scripture: Matthew 26:6-13
Series: Matthew
Speaker: Joe Allyn
Event: Sunday - AM
Download: here
Keywords: Overview: Love Jesus extravagantly and love those who love Him extravagantly Matthew puts it here for you (2, John 11:18, 12:1-2) Jesus deserves extravagant displays of love (6-7, Mark 14:3, Luke 10:39, John 11:31, 12:3) Yet, do we find ourselves indignant (calculating, judging, or selfish)? (8-9, Mk 14:5, Jn 12:6) She prepared Jesus for His burial, ascension (10-12, 27:55-56, 61; 28:1-10, Mk 14:7, Jn 12:7) Extravagant love adorns the gospel (13)