Title: Witness the Beautiful Paradox: Christ Crucified
Date: 2016-05-22
Scripture: Matthew 26:67-68, 27:26-44
Series: Matthew
Speaker: Joe Allyn
Event: Sunday - PM
Download: here
Overview: Witness the Beautiful Paradox: Christ Crucified He was spit on and mocked as Prophet (26:67-68; 23:29ff, Lk. 22:64, Heb. 11:35-37, Mk. 10:34) He was flogged and spit on as King (27:26-31, Ps. 129:3, 2:9, 8:5, 21:3) He could not even carry His own cross (32) He was crucified as Christ (33-44, Lk. 23:43, Ps. 69:21, 22:18) This paradox identifies you