Title: It is good to be humble before God
Date: 2017-02-05
Scripture: Ecclesiastes 6:10-7:14
Series: Ecclesiastes
Speaker: Joe Allyn
Event: Sunday Service
Download: here
Overview: It is good to be humble before God Stop arguing against God, but admit your ignorance (6:10-12) It is good to contemplate death (7:1-4, Ps. 144:4, 90:12, Matt. 5:4, 10, Lk. 6:21) The way of fools is not good (7:4-7, Ps. 58:9, Jms. 4:8-10, Pr. 4:23, 12:1) It is good to humble ourselves (7:8-12, Jms. 1:19, Pr. 14:29) Consider what God is doing (7:13-14)