Title: Be a Faithful Witness to Jesus
Date: 2017-06-25
Scripture: Acts 6:8-8:3
Series: Acts
Speaker: Joe Allyn
Event: Sunday - AM
Download: here
Keywords: Overview: Be a Faithful Witness to Jesus Attacks on the Gospel (6:8-10, 21:8) Attacks on the Preacher (6:11-15, John 10:30-33, Matt. 22; 26:59-61, 16:24, 5:11-12) His Defence is Offence: Israel’s History of Rebellion (7:1-53, Lk. 21:12-14) His eyes were on Jesus (7:54-60, Ps. 31:5, Lk. 23:34, Jn. 11:25-26, Ps. 116:15) Scattering the witness to all Judea and Samaria (8:1-3, c.f. 1:8)