Title: Fallen, Fallen is Babylon
Date: 2019-09-22
Scripture: Revelation 18:1-19:5
Series: Revelation
Speaker: Joe Allyn
Event: Sunday Service
Download: here
Keywords: Overview: Babylon will fall swiftly, finally, and justly, to much mourning and praise A multi-faceted fall (1-2, Matt. 9:34, 11:18, 12:24-32, 43-45, 23:27-28) Just and final judgment (3, 6-8, 21-24, Matt. 23:35) Come out of her (4-5, Rom. 11:21, Matt. 18:15-20) Mourning ... for her? (9-20, e.g. Is. 14-19) Praise of Heaven (19:1-5, 1 Sam. 1:7-8)