Title: Why Judah?
Date: 2020-01-12
Scripture: 1 Chronicles 2
Series: Chronicles
Speaker: Joe Allyn
Event: Sunday Service
Download: here
Overview: Repent and Follow God's Chosen Leaders What about Reuben, Simeon, and Levi...? (1-3a, Gen. 35:22, 34:25-31, 49:3-12, Ps. 78) Is Judah any better? (3-8, 2 Cor. 6:14, Gen. 37:4, 11; ch. 38, Deut. 25:5-10, Josh. 7) Judah repented (5:1-3, Gen. 38:26, 42:37, 43:8-9, 44:14ff) The legacy of Judah (9-55)