Title: Jehoshaphat the Reformer
Date: 2020-11-22
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 17:1-9; 2 Chronicles 19:3-11
Series: Chronicles
Speaker: Joe Allyn
Event: Sunday Service
Download: here
Overview: Heed the King's Reforms: Sending Teachers and Judges The Good King has discernment and courage (17:1-5, 20:32, Is. 11:3-4, Mt. 15:1-9) He removes false worship (17:6, 19:3, c.f. 14:3, 5) He sends teachers (17:7-9, Lev. 10:11, Ezra 7, Nehemiah 8) He sends judges (19:4-11, Ex. 18, Deut. 1:9-18)