Title: The Shepherd's Pain and Love
Date: 2020-12-06
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 2:1-11
Series: Final Five
Speaker: Joe Allyn
Event: Sunday Service
Download: here
Overview: Hear of the Shepherd's Pain and Love Determined not to be present (1, 1:15-16, 6:8, 10:10, 1 Pet. 5:1, Acts 18, 1 Cor. 16:5, Jms 4:15) Painful words for the congregation (2-4, 9, 7:8-9) Painful words for the pastor (4, 1:6, 8-9, 13-14, 6:8, 11:24-28) Merciful words for the repentant (5-11, 7:9, 1 Cor. 5)