Title: Serve the King of Nations
Date: 2020-07-12
Scripture: 2 Chronicles 2
Series: Chronicles
Speaker: Joe Allyn
Event: Sunday Service
Download: here
Keywords: Overview: The King Prioritizes Temple before Palace (1, 4-5a, 1 Ki. 7:1, 9:10, Haggai 1:4-6) The King Uses Resident Alien Labor (2, 17-18, 8:7-8, Ex. 12:48, Lev. 18, Deut. 12) The King Testifies before Gentile Kings (3, 5-10, 1 Chr. 14:1, 1 Ki. 5:1, 6, Ezra 3:7, Acts 4:12) The Gentiles Testify to the King (11-16)